Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Constitutionality of the Reconstruction Acts back before the Judiciary

     Since my last post, I appealed the verdict from the Macon county Superior Court. On 17 May 2011 I served my Appellant Brief to the NORTH CAROLINA COURT OF APPEALS and the ATTORNEY GENERALS OFFICE. The brief is a "237-page historical and ontological argument" against the legitimacy of the present STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.  I am challenging the constitutionality of the Reconstruction Acts, which were put into force by the U.S. Congress.
      This question in law has been evaded and obstructed for one hundred and forty-four (144) years. The Acts in question are the cornerstone of the current state of corruption and depravity that exists within the operation of government here in the united States of America, in both the federal and state levels. These corruptions and depravities I am referencing are every breach of the fundamental principles of law that each and everyone of us, who is paying attention, can identify as unconstitutional - as our founding Fathers intended. All I am asking for from the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA is an answer; a good faith response, so that the facts can be scrutinized, discussed, and resolved, so that we can get this nation back on track and beyond tragedies of the past that are still having a negative impact upon this greatest of nations; the United States of America.
     As it stands now, I served the Appellant Brief sixty-one minutes late, at 1:01 A.M. after making vital corrections to the form of the brief, discovered in the last day of its preparation and required by the rules of the Court. The ATTORNEY GENERALS OFFICE filed a motion to strike the brief and dismiss the appeal on account of this sixty-one minutes. I have served a response to the this motion and now await the decision of the Court. I see no reason for the Court to grant the STATE's motion in light of my response, however, after one hundred and forty-four years of obstruction and evasion it is possible that the Court will choose the historical course of action.
     I humbly ask that you all put forward your intentions and prayers that this appeal will be heard.

Link to brief:
Brief PDF 

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